You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import { AuthorityType } from "./AuthorityType";
import { IUri } from "../url/IUri";
import { INetworkModule } from "../network/INetworkModule";
import { ProtocolMode } from "./ProtocolMode";
import { ICacheManager } from "../cache/interface/ICacheManager";
import { AuthorityOptions } from "./AuthorityOptions";
import { CloudDiscoveryMetadata } from "./CloudDiscoveryMetadata";
* The authority class validates the authority URIs used by the user, and retrieves the OpenID Configuration Data from the
* endpoint. It will store the pertinent config data in this object for use during token calls.
export declare class Authority {
private _canonicalAuthority;
private _canonicalAuthorityUrlComponents;
protected networkInterface: INetworkModule;
protected cacheManager: ICacheManager;
private authorityOptions;
private metadata;
constructor(authority: string, networkInterface: INetworkModule, cacheManager: ICacheManager, authorityOptions: AuthorityOptions);
get authorityType(): AuthorityType;
* ProtocolMode enum representing the way endpoints are constructed.
get protocolMode(): ProtocolMode;
* Returns authorityOptions which can be used to reinstantiate a new authority instance
get options(): AuthorityOptions;
* A URL that is the authority set by the developer
get canonicalAuthority(): string;
* Sets canonical authority.
set canonicalAuthority(url: string);
* Get authority components.
get canonicalAuthorityUrlComponents(): IUri;
* Get hostname and port i.e.
get hostnameAndPort(): string;
* Get tenant for authority.
get tenant(): string;
* OAuth /authorize endpoint for requests
get authorizationEndpoint(): string;
* OAuth /token endpoint for requests
get tokenEndpoint(): string;
get deviceCodeEndpoint(): string;
* OAuth logout endpoint for requests
get endSessionEndpoint(): string;
* OAuth issuer for requests
get selfSignedJwtAudience(): string;
* Replaces tenant in url path with current tenant. Defaults to common.
* @param urlString
private replaceTenant;
* Replaces path such as tenant or policy with the current tenant or policy.
* @param urlString
private replacePath;
* The default open id configuration endpoint for any canonical authority.
protected get defaultOpenIdConfigurationEndpoint(): string;
* Boolean that returns whethr or not tenant discovery has been completed.
discoveryComplete(): boolean;
* Perform endpoint discovery to discover aliases, preferred_cache, preferred_network
* and the /authorize, /token and logout endpoints.
resolveEndpointsAsync(): Promise<void>;
* Update AuthorityMetadataEntity with new endpoints and return where the information came from
* @param metadataEntity
private updateEndpointMetadata;
* Compares the number of url components after the domain to determine if the cached authority metadata can be used for the requested authority
* Protects against same domain different authority such as and
* @param metadataEntity
private isAuthoritySameType;
* Parse authorityMetadata config option
private getEndpointMetadataFromConfig;
* Gets OAuth endpoints from the given OpenID configuration endpoint.
private getEndpointMetadataFromNetwork;
* Updates the AuthorityMetadataEntity with new aliases, preferred_network and preferred_cache and returns where the information was retrived from
* @param cachedMetadata
* @param newMetadata
private updateCloudDiscoveryMetadata;
* Parse cloudDiscoveryMetadata config or check knownAuthorities
private getCloudDiscoveryMetadataFromConfig;
* Called to get metadata from network if CloudDiscoveryMetadata was not populated by config
* @param networkInterface
private getCloudDiscoveryMetadataFromNetwork;
* Helper function to determine if this host is included in the knownAuthorities config option
private isInKnownAuthorities;
* Creates cloud discovery metadata object from a given host
* @param host
static createCloudDiscoveryMetadataFromHost(host: string): CloudDiscoveryMetadata;
* Searches instance discovery network response for the entry that contains the host in the aliases list
* @param response
* @param authority
static getCloudDiscoveryMetadataFromNetworkResponse(response: CloudDiscoveryMetadata[], authority: string): CloudDiscoveryMetadata | null;
* helper function to generate environment from authority object
getPreferredCache(): string;
* Returns whether or not the provided host is an alias of this authority instance
* @param host
isAlias(host: string): boolean;