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import { AuthError } from "./AuthError";
import { ScopeSet } from "../request/ScopeSet";
* ClientAuthErrorMessage class containing string constants used by error codes and messages.
export declare const ClientAuthErrorMessage: {
clientInfoDecodingError: {
code: string;
desc: string;
clientInfoEmptyError: {
code: string;
desc: string;
tokenParsingError: {
code: string;
desc: string;
nullOrEmptyToken: {
code: string;
desc: string;
endpointResolutionError: {
code: string;
desc: string;
unableToGetOpenidConfigError: {
code: string;
desc: string;
hashNotDeserialized: {
code: string;
desc: string;
blankGuidGenerated: {
code: string;
desc: string;
invalidStateError: {
code: string;
desc: string;
stateMismatchError: {
code: string;
desc: string;
stateNotFoundError: {
code: string;
desc: string;
nonceMismatchError: {
code: string;
desc: string;
nonceNotFoundError: {
code: string;
desc: string;
noTokensFoundError: {
code: string;
desc: string;
multipleMatchingTokens: {
code: string;
desc: string;
multipleMatchingAccounts: {
code: string;
desc: string;
multipleMatchingAppMetadata: {
code: string;
desc: string;
tokenRequestCannotBeMade: {
code: string;
desc: string;
appendEmptyScopeError: {
code: string;
desc: string;
removeEmptyScopeError: {
code: string;
desc: string;
appendScopeSetError: {
code: string;
desc: string;
emptyInputScopeSetError: {
code: string;
desc: string;
DeviceCodePollingCancelled: {
code: string;
desc: string;
DeviceCodeExpired: {
code: string;
desc: string;
NoAccountInSilentRequest: {
code: string;
desc: string;
invalidCacheRecord: {
code: string;
desc: string;
invalidCacheEnvironment: {
code: string;
desc: string;
noAccountFound: {
code: string;
desc: string;
CachePluginError: {
code: string;
desc: string;
noCryptoObj: {
code: string;
desc: string;
invalidCacheType: {
code: string;
desc: string;
unexpectedAccountType: {
code: string;
desc: string;
unexpectedCredentialType: {
code: string;
desc: string;
invalidAssertion: {
code: string;
desc: string;
invalidClientCredential: {
code: string;
desc: string;
tokenRefreshRequired: {
code: string;
desc: string;
userTimeoutReached: {
code: string;
desc: string;
tokenClaimsRequired: {
code: string;
desc: string;
noAuthorizationCodeFromServer: {
code: string;
desc: string;
* Error thrown when there is an error in the client code running on the browser.
export declare class ClientAuthError extends AuthError {
constructor(errorCode: string, errorMessage?: string);
* Creates an error thrown when client info object doesn't decode correctly.
* @param caughtError
static createClientInfoDecodingError(caughtError: string): ClientAuthError;
* Creates an error thrown if the client info is empty.
* @param rawClientInfo
static createClientInfoEmptyError(): ClientAuthError;
* Creates an error thrown when the id token extraction errors out.
* @param err
static createTokenParsingError(caughtExtractionError: string): ClientAuthError;
* Creates an error thrown when the id token string is null or empty.
* @param invalidRawTokenString
static createTokenNullOrEmptyError(invalidRawTokenString: string): ClientAuthError;
* Creates an error thrown when the endpoint discovery doesn't complete correctly.
static createEndpointDiscoveryIncompleteError(errDetail: string): ClientAuthError;
* Creates an error thrown when the openid-configuration endpoint cannot be reached or does not contain the required data
static createUnableToGetOpenidConfigError(errDetail: string): ClientAuthError;
* Creates an error thrown when the hash cannot be deserialized.
* @param hashParamObj
static createHashNotDeserializedError(hashParamObj: string): ClientAuthError;
* Creates an error thrown when the state cannot be parsed.
* @param invalidState
static createInvalidStateError(invalidState: string, errorString?: string): ClientAuthError;
* Creates an error thrown when two states do not match.
static createStateMismatchError(): ClientAuthError;
* Creates an error thrown when the state is not present
* @param missingState
static createStateNotFoundError(missingState: string): ClientAuthError;
* Creates an error thrown when the nonce does not match.
static createNonceMismatchError(): ClientAuthError;
* Creates an error thrown when the mnonce is not present
* @param missingNonce
static createNonceNotFoundError(missingNonce: string): ClientAuthError;
* Creates an error thrown when the authorization code required for a token request is null or empty.
static createNoTokensFoundError(): ClientAuthError;
* Throws error when multiple tokens are in cache.
static createMultipleMatchingTokensInCacheError(): ClientAuthError;
* Throws error when multiple accounts are in cache for the given params
static createMultipleMatchingAccountsInCacheError(): ClientAuthError;
* Throws error when multiple appMetada are in cache for the given clientId.
static createMultipleMatchingAppMetadataInCacheError(): ClientAuthError;
* Throws error when no auth code or refresh token is given to ServerTokenRequestParameters.
static createTokenRequestCannotBeMadeError(): ClientAuthError;
* Throws error when attempting to append a null, undefined or empty scope to a set
* @param givenScope
static createAppendEmptyScopeToSetError(givenScope: string): ClientAuthError;
* Throws error when attempting to append a null, undefined or empty scope to a set
* @param givenScope
static createRemoveEmptyScopeFromSetError(givenScope: string): ClientAuthError;
* Throws error when attempting to append null or empty ScopeSet.
* @param appendError
static createAppendScopeSetError(appendError: string): ClientAuthError;
* Throws error if ScopeSet is null or undefined.
* @param givenScopeSet
static createEmptyInputScopeSetError(givenScopeSet: ScopeSet): ClientAuthError;
* Throws error if user sets CancellationToken.cancel = true during polling of token endpoint during device code flow
static createDeviceCodeCancelledError(): ClientAuthError;
* Throws error if device code is expired
static createDeviceCodeExpiredError(): ClientAuthError;
* Throws error when silent requests are made without an account object
static createNoAccountInSilentRequestError(): ClientAuthError;
* Throws error when cache record is null or undefined.
static createNullOrUndefinedCacheRecord(): ClientAuthError;
* Throws error when provided environment is not part of the CloudDiscoveryMetadata object
static createInvalidCacheEnvironmentError(): ClientAuthError;
* Throws error when account is not found in cache.
static createNoAccountFoundError(): ClientAuthError;
* Throws error if ICachePlugin not set on CacheManager.
static createCachePluginError(): ClientAuthError;
* Throws error if crypto object not found.
* @param operationName
static createNoCryptoObjectError(operationName: string): ClientAuthError;
* Throws error if cache type is invalid.
static createInvalidCacheTypeError(): ClientAuthError;
* Throws error if unexpected account type.
static createUnexpectedAccountTypeError(): ClientAuthError;
* Throws error if unexpected credential type.
static createUnexpectedCredentialTypeError(): ClientAuthError;
* Throws error if client assertion is not valid.
static createInvalidAssertionError(): ClientAuthError;
* Throws error if client assertion is not valid.
static createInvalidCredentialError(): ClientAuthError;
* Throws error if token cannot be retrieved from cache due to refresh being required.
static createRefreshRequiredError(): ClientAuthError;
* Throws error if the user defined timeout is reached.
static createUserTimeoutReachedError(): ClientAuthError;
static createTokenClaimsRequiredError(): ClientAuthError;
* Throws error when the authorization code is missing from the server response
static createNoAuthCodeInServerResponseError(): ClientAuthError;