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<div id="faq">
<h2>How To Play</h2>
By joining a game you become apointed to the board of a multinational company who in the name of extreme altruism (and for some significant tax breaks) must distribute some of their immesne profits to lowly charities. As the cunning fox you are, you've setup your own charity and must now redirect as much of this firehose of funds from silly rinky-dink operations like oxfam to your own back pocket.
However, you can't be <i>entierly</i> blatant about it as, after each quaters funds are distributed, a board member must be fired as they are undoubtedly performing the heinous crime of cold-heartedly stealing what few morsels of funding the benevolent company has seen fit to bestow on the worlds most needy and vulnerable. <b>The swines!</b>
<ul>Join a board of directors</ul>
<ul>Distribute funds to yourown and other's charities</ul>
<ul>Vote out one of your fellow board members</ul>
<ul>Have the most capital in your charity when only two members remain on the board to win</ul>
</br>Register a player</br>
<input id="register" type="text" placeholder="Name"/> <button onclick="register()">Register</button>
<div id="Make-Container">
</br>Make A game (Select a number of player slots)</br>
<input id="makeSeats" type="number"/> <button onclick="make()">Make</button>
<div id="Join-Container">
</br>Join a game (Using a GameID)</br>
<input id="join" type="text" placeholder="Name"/> <button onclick="join()">Join</button>
<div id="Start-Container">
</br>Start the game!</br>
<button onclick="start()">Start</button>
<div id="Donate-Container">
<select id="donate" name="list" class="donateInput">
<option value="stringthatbrickstheserver">If you can see this, you're being naughty</option>
<input id="amount" type="number" class="donateInput">
<button onclick="donate()">Donate</button>
<div id="Accuse-Container">
</br>Accuse a player of embezzlement</br>
<select id="accuse" name="list" class="accuseInput">
<option value="stringthatbrickstheserver">If you can see this, you're being naughty</option>
<button onclick="accuse()">Accuse</button>
<div id="info">
<div id="gameID"></div>
<div id="messages"></div>
<div id="games"></div>
<div id="gameInfo"></div>
<div id="playerInfo"></div>
<div id="myCharity"></div>
<div id="charityStatus"></div>
<div id="boardFunding"></div>
<div id="transactionLog"></div>
<div id="accusationLog"></div>